
nuevo edificio inditex arteixo new inditex building
architecture, Energy, Industry, sostenibilidad, Tertiary sector


Keyplan will participate in the developing of the new Inditex facilities: a building which construction begins this January. We previously participated in the “” building developement, for which we received the Daikin Architecture Plus award last November, for the best air conditioning installation design based on the BIM collaborative work philosophy.

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Ciencia y Tecnología, Energy, Engineering, Environmental, Industry, Science and Technology

What is a Smart Factory? Learn about this new, promising concept.

If you’re wondering what a Smart Factory is, we’ve got good news for you: you probably already know half of it. The last name “smart” is often used in technology. Smartphones and smart TVs are technological devices we all know and use in our everyday life. This same last name is used for the Smart Factory: a production center in which connectivity functionalities and automation are used to achive a better performance.

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Ciencia y Tecnología, Energy, Engineering, sostenibilidad, Tertiary sector

Rechargeable cement-based battery: a groundbreaking Swedish research

Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology have developed a pioneer prototype for a rechargeable cement based battery. This group of scientists, led by doctor Emma Chang and proffesor Luping Tang, have come up with a revolutionary idea: a “giant battery” that could serve as a power source for entire structures.

Are rechargable buildings the future of sustainability?

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